VolRC RAS scientific journal (printed edition)
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Journal section "Life quality and human potential of territories"

Reproductive Health and Behavioral Factors in Its Formation (on the Materials of Sociological Research in the Vologda Oblast)

Kalachikova O.N., Shabunova A.A.

1 (81), 2016

Kalachikova O.N., Shabunova A.A. Reproductive Health and Behavioral Factors in Its Formation (on the Materials of Sociological Research in the Vologda Oblast). Problems of Territory's Development, 2016, no. 1 (81), pp. 115-129

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
Reproductive health is one of the most important factors in the birth rate of the population – an indicator that plays an important role in shaping the population structure; it is especially important taking into account the need to ensure demographic security. Parameters of the ongoing demographic processes indicate that the structural factor in the population wave has been exhausted: the generation of the 1990s that is relatively small in size is entering reproductive age. In these circumstances, there is an increasing necessity to make maximum use of other resources – public health, and particularly, reproductive, and demographic behavior. Based on the current and forecast demographic processes and taking into account the expected reduction in the number of female cohorts of reproductive age, the authors of the present article draw a conclusion concerning the necessity to finding reserves of promoting birth rate and dealing with the risks of its reduction. Such factors include reproductive behavior and population health. Due to the bio-social nature of man, reproductive health is an objective condition of childbearing, in both quantitative and qualitative aspects. On the basis of official statistics and data of sociological studies of reproductive potential of the Vologda Oblast population conducted by the Institute of Socio-Economic Development of Territories of RAS since 2005, the authors analyze some parameters of reproductive health and its assessment by the population. At the beginning of the 21st century there was a reduction in the potential of reproductive health of parents-to-be and in their fertility. According to sociological data, 7% of the Vologda Oblast population assessed their reproductive health as poor or very poor, 75% – as fairly good and satisfactory. Negative assessments were given by 4% of men and by 10% of women. This difference is explained by the specifics of mentality and low medical activity of the population. The article presents trends, motivations and factors with regard to abortions and the use of contraceptives. The authors note that, despite the positive trend, Russia remains in the group of countries with the highest rates of abortion in the world. The article points out the efforts that can be used to prevent people from choosing in favor of abortion. Having evaluated statistical parameters and sociological markers of people’s health and behavior, the authors offer a series of management decisions in the framework of intensive and extensive measures to improve institutions participating in the formation of the public and reproductive health


reproductive health, monitoring, demographic development, contraception, termination of pregnancy