VolRC RAS scientific journal (printed edition)
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Journal section "Territorial organization and management"

Institutional Aspects of Preventing the Passive and Unscrupulous Behavior among the Managers of Town-Forming Enterprises

Karginova V.V.

1 (81), 2016

Karginova V.V. Institutional Aspects of Preventing the Passive and Unscrupulous Behavior among the Managers of Town-Forming Enterprises. Problems of Territory's Development, 2016, no. 1 (81), pp. 202-213

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
Socio-economic responsibility of individuals can be formed by using financial instruments. The optimal transformation of existing behavior models involves increasing not the force of applied instruments, but the frequency of their use. Currently the problem of economic agent inactivity especially negatively manifests itself within one-company towns, where managers of town-forming enterprises, due to the lack of ability and desire to carry out a correct evaluation of their actions, often increase the level of financial credibility by performing the necessary activities not in full and (or) at a later time when the restoration of the solvency is already extremely improbable. In addition, often many of the managers, who are confident in the existence of a state’s duty to provide them with financial assistance, are not occupied at all in maintaining and restoring its solvency. This, as well as the changes in the geopolitical situation, the violation of existing industrial-economic relations and the high depreciation of fixed assets, is the cause of the crisis solvency of the town-forming enterprises, and the socio-economic responsibility in districts in which town-forming enterprises are located. The analysis of the existing institutions that prevent opportunistic behavior has shown a limited possibility of using them to prevent omission of individuals. However the transition of passive and unfair economic agents to self-financing their activities, in particular by the institute of public–private partnership, will help use interest on bank and commercial credits as a tool of preventing opportunistic behavior. In this case it is necessary to improve the efficiency of this tool by providing special loan conditions. The suggested financial instruments within town-forming enterprises and other economic entities that are in a difficult economic situation can be used in the formation of an effective system of planning and allocation of monetary resources. The developed theoretical approach to the formation of intuitive thinking by changing not the strength, but the frequency of the determining factor exposure can be used to create effective management models


single-industry towns, inaction, opportunistic behavior, socio-economic responsibility, town-forming enterprises, financial tools, financial viability, intuitive thinking