Since recently, the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr) has been keeping an archive with the results of the state cadastral evaluation of real estate, which is a new quantitative source of information on real estate objects in Russia. This source makes it possible to establish aspects of the spatial development of territories more accurately. At the moment, the differentiation of socio-economic situation indicators is revealed statistically for urban and rural settlements – the smallest entities in the database of municipal formations’ indicators. As a result, the issues of agglomeration formation and the development of large cities allow only a general view or a qualitative description. The cadastral data offered for review contain facts of the cost evaluation of real estate, from which we can draw conclusions about the appearance of new real estate objects and changes in their value, which, in turn, can be associated with the phenomena of migration, urbanization and changes in the standard of living of the population. The advantage of cadastral data is the ability to consider individual settlements including small ones, or parts of large cities. Thus, the results of the state cadastral valuation allow studying the differentiation of economic indicators on scales smaller than the municipality and may serve as the basis for some economic and geographic studies. The main purpose of the work is to demonstrate that the results of the state cadastral valuation of real estate can be used as a source of data for economic analysis in relation to different types of territories. The article presents information about the state cadastral valuation, describes the procedure for obtaining cadastral data, analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of this source of information, and gives examples of the use of data for economic analysis
data analysis, database, economic geography, cadastral valuation, cadastral valuation results, new source of information