VolRC RAS scientific journal (printed edition)
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Journal section "Life quality and human potential of territories"

To the question of raising retirement age in Russia

Barsukov V.N.

5 (79), 2015

Barsukov V.N. To the question of raising retirement age in Russia. Problems of Territory's Development, 2015, no. 5 (79)

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The problem of population ageing is becoming increasingly important for Russia. The growing share of the elderly and the reduced proportion of the working-age population lead to the serious consequences related to the violation of balance of the employment structure of population and the increased burden on social infrastructure and problems in the financial provision of pension systems. All this compels the state to seek a way out of the situation. To increase the retirement age is the most widely discussed measure. The first part of the article presents the debate on the possibility of raising the retirement age in Russia. It considers scientists’ arguments “FOR” and “AGAINST” and concludes that, despite the need for its improvement in terms of economy, low life expectancy (including healthy) remains the main obstacle in Russia. The second part is devoted to the study of socio-demographic characteristics and economic activity of the retirement age population in Russia. The increased level of education and labor activity of the modern older generation is a positive moment. In terms of the forecasted decline in supply on the labor market the involvement of the elderly will become one of the main resource capabilities of the state. The elderly people’s state of health is the key factor to determine their ability to continue labor activity. Therefore, the government should pay much attention to the promotion of health-saving behavior among the population. In the future this can significantly increase the period of labor activity of people in retirement. It is necessary to build such a system of intergenerational relations, when the retirement age will have fundamental importance in the communication process between people, the formation of social groups and the redistribution of public goods


age structure, population ageing, retirement age, the elderly, labor activity