VolRC RAS scientific journal (printed edition)
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Journal section "Territorial finance"

Market of sub-federal bonds: specifi cs and problems of formation

Tishina E.V.

5 (79), 2015

Tishina E.V. Market of sub-federal bonds: specifi cs and problems of formation. Problems of Territory's Development, 2015, no. 5 (79)

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
  1. Byudzhet Vologodskoy oblasti. Itogi 2013 [Tekst] / Departament finansov Vologodskoy oblasti. – Vologda, 2014. – 71 s.
  2. Byudzhetnyy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federacii [Elektronnyy resurs] : Federalnyy zakon ot 31.07.1998 № 145-FZ // Spravochno-poiskovaya sistema KonsultantPlyus. – Rezhim dostupa : http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_law_19702
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  6. Pushkova, N. E. K voprosu ob upravlenii gosudarstvennym dolgom regiona [Tekst] / N. E. Pushkova // Problemy razvitiya territorii. – 2012. – № 5 (61). – S. 53–62.
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  8. Cel dolgovoy politiki – razvitie Orenburgskoy oblasti [Elektronnyy resurs] / Portal Pravitelstva Orenburgskoy oblasti. – Rezhim dostupa : http://www.orenburg-gov.ru/Info/Economics/ Budget/governmentBonds/2014-02-10

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