VolRC RAS scientific journal (printed edition)
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Journal section "Sustainable development of territories, branches, and production complexes"

Specifi cs and Diff erentiation of Balance of Regional Modernization Processes

Lastochkina M.A.

2 (82), 2016

Lastochkina M.A. Specifi cs and Diff erentiation of Balance of Regional Modernization Processes. Problems of Territory's Development, 2016, no. 2 (82), pp. 37-49

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
Modernization is defined as a socio-cultural process, under which traditional societies become industrialized. It includes the technological vector of this direction and more often the innovation one. The aim of this work is to identify the specifics and differentiation of the balance of modernization processes in Russian regions. As research methods we choose the index approach developed by the China Center for Modernization Research, CAS and used to measure modernization indices of 130 world countries and adapted by the Centre for the Study of Social and Cultural Change, the Russian Institute of Philosophy, RAS. In 2000 – 2012 the modernization processes in Russia were characterized by the sharp increase in the number of regions with a low balance index of secondary modernization (SM) and, accordingly, the decrease in the number of regions with a high index and the stable number of regions of average level. We observe the consequences of the 2008 financial crisis in the subsequent period (2009–2012) – the rise in the number of regions with a low balance index. The negative contribution to the imbalance of the SM index is made by the low indicators of cognitive and economic components (insufficient number of scientists and engineers, people filing patent applications, small share of R&D expenditures in GDP, low GDP per capita, low share of GRP and employment in the service sector). Many economic and socio-cultural processes and phenomena have their own regional characteristics, such as geographical location, natural resources, labor and socio-cultural potential of the population, etc. Thus, the application of a single universal approach to the implementation of modernization in the regions is impossible. Each region should realize a socio-economic strategy of modernization on the basis of potential of the modernized society and advantages of the territory. The solution to the problem of transition to innovative (secondary) modernization involves the integration of socio-cultural aspects of society development into regional economy


region, innovation, modernization, balance, index

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