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Journal section "Sustainable development of territories, branches, and production complexes"

Features of Institutionalization of Russia’s Arctic Zone

Katorin I.V.

5 (85), 2016

Katorin I.V. Features of Institutionalization of Russia’s Arctic Zone. Problems of Territory's Development, 2016, no. 5 (85), pp. 191-200

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
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  2. Granberg I. S., Laverov N. P. Arktika na poroge tret'ego tysyacheletiya (resursnyi potentsial i problemy ekologii) [Arctic on the threshold of the third millennium (resource potential and environmental issues]. Saint Petersburg: Nauka, 2000. 247 p.
  3. Gumarova I. S. Osvoenie arkticheskogo shel'fa: Rossiya i Norvegiya – estestvennye partnery [Development of the Arctic shelf: Norway and Russia are natural partners]. Rossiya i sovremennyi mir [Russian and modern world], 2008, no. 2 (59), pp. 85–96.
  4. Dregalo A. A., Ul'yanovskii V. I. Obraz Severa: produktivnost' vizual'nykh modelei i real'nost' [The image of the North: the productivity of visual models and reality]. Vestnik SAFU. Seriya “Gumanitarnye i sotsial'nye nauki” [Bulletin of NARFU. Series “Humanitarian and social sciences”], 2013, no. 5, pp. 44–50.
  5. Katorin I. V. Problemy i perspektivy razvitiya arkticheskikh regionov (po materialam ekspertnogo oprosa) [Problems and prospects of development of Arctic regions (on the materials of an expert survey)]. Arktika i Sever [The Arctic and the North], 2015, no. 19, pp. 71–80.
  6. Lukin Yu. F. Rossiiskaya Arktika v izmenyayushchemsya mire: monografiya [Russian Arctic in a changing world: monograph]. Arkhangelsk: SAFU, 2013. 281 p.
  7. Matvienko: Neobkhodim spetsial'nyi kompleksnyi federal'nyi zakon o razvitii arkticheskoi zony RF [I tis necessary to work out a special comprehensive federal law on the development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation]. The Arctic, 2015, November 20. Available at: http://ru.arctic.ru/economics/20151120/229660.html
  8. Nikolaev M. E. Arktika. XXI vek [The Arctic. 21st century]. Moscow: Arina, 1999. 149 p.
  9. Pilyasov A. N. I poslednie stanut pervymi: Severnaya periferiya na puti k ekonomike znaniya [So the last shall be first: Northern periphery on the way to knowledge economy]. Moscow: Knizhnyi dom “LIBROKOM”, 2009. 544 p.
  10. Pilyasov A. N. Potentsial rossiiskoi Arktiki dlya mezhdunarodnogo sotrudnichestva: doklad No. 17/2015 [The potential of the Russian Arctic for international cooperation: report No. 17/2015]. Ed. by I. S. Ivanov. Moscow: Spetskniga, 2015. 120 p.
  11. Sever i Arktika v prostranstvennom razvitii Rossii: nauchno-analiticheskii doklad [The North and the Arctic in the spatial development of Russia: scientific and analytical report]. Mosow-Apatity-Syktyvkar: Izd-vo KNTs RAN, 2010. 213 p.
  12. Selin V. S. Prioritety sovremennykh gosudarstvennykh strategii razvitiya arkticheskikh raionov [Priorities of the current state strategies for development of Arctic regions]. Region: ekonomika i sotsiologiya [Region: economy and sociology], 2013, no. 1, pp. 3–22.
  13. Larsen J., Fondahl G. (Eds.). Arctic Human Development Report: Regional Processes and Global Linkages. Copenhagen: Nordisk, 2015. 500 p.

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