If we consider contemporary society as a network of interaction, it is important to understand what type of communications it generates. Analysis of network cooperation and the existing level of trust in networks allows us to determine the type of social capital predominant in a particular community. Scientists distinguish two main types of relations in networks – "strong" and "weak". "Strong ties" contribute to the formation of a small radius of trust and a social capital of the closed type, while "weak ties" greatly expand the radius of trust, and to a greater extent correspond to the open type of social capital. The aim of our research is to study the situation in the network interactions in regional communities and in determining the dominant types of relationships, and to establish to what type of social capital they belong. Identifying the type of social capital is obtaining information about the resources of society, of what potential it has, on what it is possible to rely in its development. The data obtained in the study indicate a significant prevalence of "strong ties" in the regional society, which gives rise to a narrow radius of trust, and also serves as a sign of limited social capital that is formed in a challenging economic environment and focused on survival strategy in the conditions generated by the crisis. However, the presence of signs of open social capital gives grounds to make a conclusion concerning the possibilities of its development and expansion through the involvement of residents of the region in participation in the activities of various public institutions; this will promote not only trust but also the development of the region's civil society structures
social networks, social capital, trust, network society, "weak" and "strong" ties