The concentration of population and economic activity in particular municipalities in the region creates imbalances in spatial development. The uneven distribution of residents, infrastructure, and production across the territory forms the dispersion of settlements: economic centers arise within the regional economy which begins pulling resources together, defining a “Central-peripheral” spatial development pattern. Peripheral municipalities face the problem of limited resources and cannot solve development problems on their own. The deterioration of the demographic situation in the municipal area leads to a decrease in business activity and changes in the economy structure. In this situation, regional authorities should ensure the balance between stimulating policy, aimed at creating and maintaining centers of socio-economic development, and policy, oriented at smoothing the municipalities’ differentiation. In this context, it is relevant to assess the municipalities’ spatial development in the region which allows identifying the conditions for the spatial imbalance formation. The assessment of these conditions makes it possible to justify the priorities of the region spatial development policy which provides a balance of alignment and stimulation. The purpose of the research is to analyze trends in the municipalities’ development in the context of the region spatial development. The methodological basis is formed by the spatial development concepts. The analysis is based on the municipalities’ multidimensional classification by blocks of municipal statistics indicators that characterize demographic growth, the state of physical and social infrastructure, income and business activity. The author identifies municipalities’ clusters with the greatest similarity, based on the multidimensional classification. Sequential layering of clustering results on the region map gives an idea of the conditions for the formation of spatial imbalances within it. Approbation of the methodology in case of the Kaluga Oblast municipalities shows a high level of differentiation in the territories’ development. The region has formed a central peripheral development pattern dominated by urban districts. The analysis made it possible to determine the directions of the regional spatial development policy which can be implemented in the short and long term
region, municipal economy, municipal area, cluster analysis, economic territory, municipal infrastructure