VolRC RAS scientific journal (printed edition)
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Journal section "Sustainable development of territories, branches, and production complexes"

Green tourism: approaches, regional assessment, development features

Tikhonova T.V., Schenyavskii V.A.

4 (90), 2017

Tikhonova T.V., Schenyavskii V.A. Green tourism: approaches, regional assessment, development features. Problems of Territory's Development, 2017, no. 4 (90), pp. 51-66

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The purpose of the study is to identify the features of the development of the green economy in the northern region as a way of transition to a resource-efficient society. There is a lacuna in the indicators of the efficiency of tourism as a branch of the economy in the previously developed methodological tools for assessing the potential of territories for the transition to the green economy. As a result, green tourism assessment of the Komi Republic was carried out with the help of indicating, economic and sociological methods. The author's system of indicators based on the analysis of indicators of socio-economic efficiency of tourism is proposed. It consists of 38 indicators, arranged into four blocks: management, economic development, socio-cultural aspects, and impact on the environment. Low level of green tourism development is explained by the absence of a system of its regulation and green technologies and misunderstanding of green tourism necessity as an element of the region's competitiveness. Therefore, it was important to understand the state of development of ecological tourism in the protected areas from the point of view of system formation. Using conditionally questionnaire method, a sociological survey of the population of the region was carried out in order to identify preferences by types of services and by the price range for the weekend rest and ecological tourism. The results showed an increased interest in the territory of the region; prevalence of regional tourists on natural objects; increased interest and requirements for the weekend rest and the corresponding payment for these services; a high level of equipment of the regional ecotourist and minimization of payment for ecological tourism services. Economic assessment of ecological tourism has shown a significant financial result (555 million rubles / year) and the possibility of using the resources of protected objects. Estimation of potential incomes from functioning of green tourism can testify to an element of efficiency of this direction of economic activity. The analysis of the development of green tourism in the Komi Republic showed the starting positions in the development of this type of economy, revealed a weak information base and understanding of the need for its implementation. The assessment can be used for making managerial decisions at the regional level. It is recommended to use the main provisions of the article by the authorities in order to ensure effective promotion of regional tourism. Further research suggests identifying directions for modernizing tourism in the northern region and complying with the criteria for green tourism


the komi republic, ecological tourism, green tourism, indicators of green tourism, protected areas, economic evaluation of recreational services