VolRC RAS scientific journal (printed edition)
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Journal section "Current news: figures and facts"

Views and opinions of the region’s population concerning the socio-economic results of 2011 and prospects for 2012

Mikishanov A.

4 (60), 2012

Mikishanov A. Views and opinions of the region’s population concerning the socio-economic results of 2011 and prospects for 2012. Problems of Territory's Development, 2012, no. 4 (60)

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The article presents the main trends concerning the estimations of the socio-economic results of the past year in comparison to the previous periods, as well as the results of similar studies for the country as a whole, as viewed by the region’s population. The data of the public opinion monitoring in the Vologda Oblast (conducted by ISEDT RAS) as well as the country in general (Levada-Center and Russian Public Opinion Research Center) is used


socio-economic results of the year, estimation of the previous year results, change in the population’s well-being, socio-economic prospects of the current year