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Estimation Methodology of Economic Signifi cance of the Region’s Non-Profi t Sector

Shabunova A.A., Kosygina K.E.

5 (103), 2019

Shabunova A.A., Kosygina K.E. Estimation methodology of economic signifi cance of the region’s non-profi t sector. Problems of Territory's Development, 2019, no. 5 (103), pp. 7–23. DOI: 10.15838/ptd.2019.5.103.1

DOI: 10.15838/ptd.2019.5.103.1

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
In the conditions of an unstable economic environment, the regions are in search of alternative and potential resources for solving socially significant problems, improving the population’s quality of life and well-being. The non-profit sector development can be attributed to a long-term fundamental factor in solving this problem. In Russia, socially oriented non-profit organizations form the basis of the non-profit sector, while the problem of estimating the economic significance of these organizations for regional development remains insufficiently studied. The aim of the article is to present methodological tools for assessing the economic significance of the non-profit sector in the region. To achieve this goal, the following methods were used: general scientific methods of systemic, structural-functional analysis, generalization, scientific abstraction, synthesis, induction and deduction, an integral assessment method. The methodological tools proposed by the authors are based on the construction of a synthetic (integral) indicator that determines the share of the non-profit sector in relation to the gross regional product as one of the macroeconomic indicators of the development of the Russian Federation constituent entities. The methodology is based on three models behaviors: “SONPO as a social entrepreneur”, “SONPO as a united benefactor” and “SONPO as a volunteer center”. Within the framework of the study, the initial testing of the methodology was carried out in the regions of the North-West Federal District by interpreting the obtained results. The analysis showed that in general, the contribution of socially oriented non-profit organizations to the gross regional product of the North-West Federal District’s regions varies from 0.3% to 1.5%. The leading region for this indicator is the Vologda Oblast, the outsider in the Leningrad Oblast. The results of the study may be useful to federal and regional authorities in the development of state programs to support socially oriented non-profit organizations, long-term strategies for the regions’ socio-economic development


methodology, regional economy, non-profit organizations, non-profit sector, socially oriented non-profit organizations, npos, sonpo, grp