Internet portal as a means of promoting scientifi c organization’s activities
Gulin K.A. , Skorodumov P.V.
Gulin K.A., Skorodumov P.V. Internet portal as a means of promoting scientifi c organization’s activities. Problems of Territory's Development , 2015, no. 5 (79)
Gulin Konstantin A. Candidate of Sciences (History), Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor
Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science “Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences“ (VolRC RAS); Vologda State University
Organization address
56A, Gorky Street, Vologda, 160014, Russian Federation; 15, Lenin Street, Vologda, 160000, Russian Federation
Leading Researcher; Professor
Scopus Author ID: 54790952800
РИНЦ AuthorID: 76041
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4336-6331
ResearcherID: M-3075-2013
Skorodumov Pavel V. Candidate of Sciences (Engeneering)
Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (VolSC RAS)
Organization address
56A Gorky Street, Vologda, 160014, Russia
Head of the Laboratory for Intelligent and Software-Information Systems
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